Health care affordability in the news

From local news to global conversations and groundbreaking research, health care is constantly evolving and highly covered in the media. Here, we share the latest news and trends – and how they drive our work to best serve our communities and members.
Earlier this month, an estimated 50,000 people became newly eligible for ConnectorCare health insurance through a two-year pilot program that expands the income limits from 300% of the poverty level to 500%.
The Massachusetts Health Connector Board of Directors unanimously approved regulatory changes required in the fiscal 2024 state budget to expand access to the low-cost insurance program
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, an individual making 500% of the federal poverty level has an annual income of $72,900, and a family of four brings in $150,000.
These changes are estimated to provide cost savings to more than 50,000 Massachusetts residents including current Health Connector members, as well as people who are transitioning from MassHealth, people who have applied for Health Connector plans in the past and did not qualify for subsidy or new applicants.
This news comes as the state faces one of the largest coverage transitions with the ongoing Medicaid redetermination process. Point32Health is committed to being a leader and partner in the work to increase access to health care for all.