Inclusive health plans: Point32Health-sponsored research highlights increased demand for well-rounded benefits

September 2023 | Health Equity

It’s no secret that today’s workforce is increasingly diverse. And while many traditional benefit plans are built on the concept of life stages such as marriage, building a family, and retirement, it’s becoming more common for employees to choose different life paths. In our new original study in association with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services we explored what this means for benefits today, discovering:


  • With these dynamics at play, broadening the range of family-friendly benefits provided through employers, particularly health benefits, makes good business sense. Through collaboration and innovation, health plans are learning to better listen to diverse member populations, employers, and broker partners to identify specific needs and gaps and break down barriers to equitable care.

  • To answer that central question – what truly constitutes an inclusive benefits package – Point32Health in association with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, conducted an in-depth research initiative to gain insight into these critical issues. Our goals were to discover what each group identifies as inclusive benefits, and which benefits they view as most important. And not just in data points, but in real world applications.

  • In a time when employees face caregiving and family responsibilities and economic uncertainty, inclusive, personalized, and culturally competent benefits are more important than ever. At Point32Health, we believe that all people should have access to high-quality health care, no matter their race, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or level of ability. Equity and inclusivity are ingrained in our heritage, exemplified in our work now, and guiding our plans for the future.

The full report is available here:

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