Frequently asked questions
2023 Innovation Challenge
Jump to: Background | Application | Selection process | Expectations | Additional questions
This event is being hosted under the direction of Point32Health’s Clinical Innovation department.
Point32Health is a combination of Tufts Health Plan and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and represents the coming together of New England’s top two most iconic non-profit health care companies.
The Clinical Innovation department is charged with delivering innovation that advances health care beyond the expected by creating new ideas that improve health outcomes, increase affordability, and help more people.
The Clinical Innovation team actively seeks and invests in opportunities to gather real-world evidence, build partnerships, conduct research, and promote the acceleration of innovative technologies and programs.
These opportunities inform long-term strategy, reimbursement methodology, and ultimately improve quality of care and patient outcomes.
The Innovation Challenge is an event intended to facilitate the discovery, development, and potential implementation of programs, services or interventions that improve health outcomes, increase affordability of health care, and impact policy.
The objective is to identify, fund, and work together with the selected winner to implement a pilot within Point32Health. Selected applicants will be invited to present their innovative solution to Point32Health leaders at the 2023 Innovation Challenge.
Application open date – July 10, 2023
Informational webinar (optional) – July 25, 2023, noon EST – Watch the Recording
Application close date – August 11, 2023, by 11:59 p.m. EST
Semifinalists announced – August 30, 2023
Required semifinalist interview – September 11, 2023
Finalist announced – September 15, 2023
Innovation Challenge Date – November 15, 2023
Focus areas include, but are not limited to:
- Behavioral Health
- Chronic Disease Management
- Reproductive Health
- Oncology
Innovation Challenge application
Please fill out the application form online.
Applications received after August 11, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. will not be considered.
Questions regarding the application can be submitted to: [email protected]
No, there is no fee to apply.
Yes, applications from entities that are internationally based will be considered. However, it is the expectation that these entities already have a presence in the United States and that the solution is ready to be piloted in the Point32Health service area (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI). Further consideration of US regulatory approval(s) (e.g., FDA) will also be considered, if applicable.
No, applications can be saved and edited before submitting but cannot be edited after final submission.
If you have multiple innovative solutions, you may submit a proposal for each.
No, Point32Health is looking for solutions that, while newer in development, are ready to be piloted with our healthcare community upon winning the challenge.
Yes, URLs to videos may be included and PDFs may be uploaded as part of the application.
Applicants will be contacted within six to eight weeks after submission.
Point32Health will enter into a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the finalists. If you have concerns and wish to discuss, please e-mail [email protected].
The optional information webinar is an overview of the Innovation Challenge and what we are looking for in applicants. We will also answer any questions that applicants may have regarding the Innovation Challenge.
This interview will allow the Clinical Innovation team the opportunity to ask questions of the applicants and allow the applicants to ask their questions as well.
Semifinalists will be contacted to schedule their interview.
Selection process
We will notify you via the contact information you provide in your application if you are a semifinalist.
The winner will be selected and announced on November 15, 2023, at the event.
All applications will be reviewed internally by Point32Health.
Through the process, your application will be reviewed by various internal stakeholders within Point32Health. During the challenge event, you will be judged by five senior executives.
Point32Health will host the Innovation Challenge at the Canton campus. The finalist will present their pitch live to the judges and Point32Health colleagues.
Finalist will have five minutes to set up, fifteen minutes to present, and five minutes of post-discussion.
At the end of the day, there will be an on-site, livestreamed announcement of the winner. Following the announcement, there will be a reception for all participants.
Expectations after the Innovation Challenge
The winner should be committed to implementing a pilot with the Point32Health Clinical Innovation team with a team dedicated to providing sufficient time and resources throughout the implementation and pilot. The winner will be required to complete any privacy, security and legal requirements and due diligence as deemed necessary.
Point32Health will provide resources (e.g., program management, analytics etc.) and support funding for implementation of the winning solution as a pilot program.
Point32Health will be allocating up to $1 million for a pilot or program. This is not a lump sum payment.
The final dollar amount allocated to fund a pilot or program will be determined in conjunction with the awarded finalist(s) based on the depth and breadth of said initiative.
Additional questions and answers from past webinars
No. Point32Health will be allocating up to $1 million for a pilot or program. The final dollar amount allocated to fund a pilot or program will be determined in conjunction with the awarded finalist(s) based on the depth and breadth of said initiative.
Exclusivity/ownership is not a requirement.
The goal is to select one winner but if multiple solutions demonstrate innovation and meet criteria it is possible to select more than one finalist for a pilot program.
Point32Health is looking for a ‘fully baked’ solution that is ready to be piloted.
Examples of pilots under the direction of the Clinical Innovation department include: remote patient monitoring for CHF members; pharmacogenomics; precision medicine; digital therapeutics for SUD and OUD, and others.
We would encourage you to continue your discussions with your current Point32Health contacts as our timelines are already set (please refer to key dates shared previously).
Timeframes are variable. In general, pilot duration is twelve months (or more depending on the solution) excluding pre implementation work and post implementation assessment. At the conclusion of the pilot and post assessment, a recommendation will be made whether to expand the solution to a broader population. We are looking for solutions that will be impactful for our members now but will also sustain their impact over time.
Please select the category that ‘best’ represents your solution. You may select ‘multiple’ categories on the application.
No, it does not preclude other PGx pilots.